Monday, November 7, 2011

Attention Disposable Diaper Users

I have a very important message for you, from a cloth diaperer. No, I'm not here to judge or convert you. I mostly use cloth diapers to save money, though the lack of trash is nice, too. But I couldn't care less if you don't want to do extra laundry - totally understandable.

No, I'm here to help you out. Because from what I hear, many of you think it's normal to clean poop out of your baby's hair. To go through several extra outfits each week due to poop on both the baby's clothes and your own. To carry new clothes for both of you everywhere you go. I have never done any of these things, and neither have many (though not all, of course) cloth diaperers. How?

Diaper covers. Not the cheap decorative ones that come matching with an outfit from Target. Serious covers with PUL, snaps or velcro, and elastic leg gussets. I'm not here to judge, and neither are the covers - they don't care if they're covering a prefold, a fitted, a Huggies, or a Pampers. They hold the poop in no matter what diaper it's leaking out of. When we went out of town for a few days, we bought a pack of Huggies Swaddlers but also brought a few covers. At least twice in four days, poop wound up on the covers but not us.

They cost $9-15 each new (you can also find them, like all CD stuff, used). You can reuse them diaper after diaper, only tossing them in the laundry once they've contained some poop. They come in every color and pattern imaginable - my baby was born at the end of May, and I was annoyed when it started cooling off and we had to put pants over his cute covers. You may have to try a few to see which fit your baby the best, but you can recoup a lot of the money selling them used - or some places, like Cotton Babies, have a thirty day satisfaction guarantee. To get you started, take a look at Flip or Econobum from Cotton Babies, Thirsties, or Bummis, or check Etsy.

And just say no to poosplosions.

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